April 3, 2012

My Garden

I've always wanted to grow a vegetable garden, but until this year I had never tried. While working on another backyard project in January, we had some extra dirt that we needed to do something with, so Mike got some paver stones and built me a little garden spot in the back yard.

I wanted something small to start, just so I didn't overwhelm myself. So here's what he built me:

See my pretty solar light? Yeah, that's all I had there for a while....

And then for Valentine's Day, Mike took me to Lowe's and I picked out 11 different types of vegetables and herbs that I wanted to try growing.

Dirt! Fun!!

I used two bags of the dirt to fill in the planter, and then part of another bag to fill in the dirt around the plants as I planted them. I also had a mini roses plant that I gotten for Valentine's Day, so I decided to plant that in the middle of the garden.

After everything was planted:

Back Row, Left to Right:

Cucumbers (two), Sweet Bell Peppers (two), Rosemary, Strawberries

Middle Row, Left to Right: Snap Peas (two), Green beans(two), Parsley, Strawberries

Front Row, Left to Right: Spinach (two), Acorn Squash (two), Basil, Greek Oregano

It's been six weeks since I planted everything, and it has been growing like crazy!

The spinach has been growing the fastest, and today was my first harvest. I also trimmed some of the parsley, and I had two little strawberries that were ready to be picked as well.

We used some of the spinach to make salads to go with our dinner tonight. They tasted awesome!!

It is really cool to eat food that you grew yourself, and I am really looking forward to trying out the rest of the veggies as they grow. I didn't know how I would do with growing veggies, as my green thumb has not been great with flowers in the past. But it turns out I really enjoy working in this garden, and I am already thinking about other things I'd like to grow.

Of course, it always helps when you have a cute little guy to keep you company while you work!

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